Faites tout avec un petit gerbeur à conducteur accompagnant

Ce gerbeur à conducteur accompagnant économique, polyvalent et peu encombrant est parfait pour les tâches légères dans les entrepôts, les supermarchés et les zones de production. La petite taille de ce gerbeur permet de le transporter dans des fourgonnettes et des ascenseurs.

Vous pouvez l'utiliser pour les navettes courtes, l'entreposage jusqu'à 1,95 mètres, le remplissage des étagères de stockage et la préparation des commandes.

Notre gerbeur compact à conducteur accompagnant NSP12QLMI (mono mât) vous apporte la polyvalence au format compact.

  • High-quality, robust construction ensures reliable operation over a long lifetime, with minimal servicing and repair needs.
  • Fork wheel pivot points are enclosed and protected within the fork design to avoid wear when operating on ramps.
  • Durable pull rod offers extra structural strength, with high resistance to bending and deforming, for reliable performance and long life.
  • Adjustable balance wheel height extends lifespan of drive wheel.
  • AC drive motor promises a long service life with low maintenance needs, thanks to elimination of brushes and commutators.
  • Sealing of motors reduces risk of damage by dust and water.
  • Li-ion batteries give maximum lifespan, efficiency and runtime, with no need for water top-ups or other maintenance.
  • Battery heating system optimises efficiency in cold environments, down to 1⁰C.
  • Plug-in diagnostics and troubleshooting require only a laptop, software and a cable – not an expensive hand- held device – to reduce downtime and maintain efficient performance.

  • Compact and stable design enables fast, safe performance with great manoeuvrability.
  • Small size – partly due to compact Li-ion battery – combines with efficient steering for a tight turning radius and easy use in narrow aisles.
  • Side castor wheels further enhance stability.
  • Clear-view mono masts give excellent forward vision and are available with maximum lifts up to 1.95 metres.
  • Initial lift raises mast and forks to give increased ground clearance – for better performance on ramps, dock levellers and uneven floors.
  • Double pallet handling design allows lifting and carrying of two loads simultaneously, with one on the support legs and one on the forks.
  • Forks with tapered tips and integral tandem polyurethane wheels enable smooth pallet entry and exit and quiet running.
  • 24V/60Ah high-capacity Li-ion battery gives powerful performance and long runtime between charges.
  • Li-ion technology makes continuous operation possible, without battery changes, using fast opportunity charging during short breaks.
  • Internal charger allows simple plugging in to any suitable electrical socket, wherever you are.
  • External charger is supplied for convenient recharging at a designated station.
  • BDI (battery discharge indicator) and hour meter support optimal timing of battery charging/changing

  • Ergonomic spring-loaded tiller arm provides a comfortable grip and low-effort operation for maximum control with minimal fatigue or strain.
  • Tiller arm’s length keeps the operator at a safe distance, while its offset attachment to the truck body offers the possibility of walking alongside.
  • Multifunctional tiller head conveniently places controls within easy reach.
  • Turtle/creep speed switch allows manoeuvring with tiller arm vertical, for safe movement through narrow spaces.
  • Electromagnetic brake system enhances braking performance.
  • Parking brake is automatically applied when the truck stops on gradients and ramps.
  • Li-ion battery chemistry means no risk of hazardous gas or acid leaks.

NSP12QLMI 1200 600 Electric