Materials handling 2023 trends

5 Gennaio 2023

The last few years have been challenging – to say the least – for many businesses involved in materials handling, warehousing and logistics. Having survived the effects of Covid, they are now recovering and investing in business growth. But what are the main aims of that investment, and what...

Save your energy

1 Novembre 2022

As fuel and electricity prices soar, the incentive to reduce energy consumption grows ever stronger. For businesses using forklifts, Cat ® Lift Trucks offers the following suggestions. Some may be obvious; others may not have been explored by your company yet. As well as saving money, each...

Feel the quality

4 Ottobre 2022

How do the trucks in your forklift fleet make your drivers feel? In this article we will look at the qualities of a lift truck that make it a pleasure to operate. Why? Because happy drivers are more motivated and perform better. Cat ® Lift Trucks invests heavily in optimising the user experience...

How to save money on forklifts

2 Settembre 2022

How can you cut the cost of your lift trucks? Choosing forklifts with a lower purchase, lease or rental price might seem the obvious answer. But what about the many other expenses involved in operating them? The amount you pay a dealer for a forklift truck is only part of its lifetime cost. You will...

Warehouse workwear technology

2 Agosto 2022

What can clothing technology do to make life better for your warehouse and logistics centre workers? Many items worn at work are part of the employees’ PPE (personal protective equipment), whose safety value is obvious. But clothes must also meet other needs. In particular, if the wearers are to...

How to speed up materials handling

1 Luglio 2022

Your choice of lift truck makes a huge difference to the productivity of your materials handling operation. How do some trucks get the work done much faster than others? Well, it’s not all about power ratings and top speeds. If it was, forklift truck makers would simply fit bigger motors to their...

Why materials handling matters

1 Giugno 2022

Almost everything we buy or use has been on the forks of a lift truck at some point. Our lives would be very different if forklifts didn’t exist. Let’s take a closer look at why these machines and their efficient use in materials handling are so important. Materials handling efficiency is essential...

A network of factories across the world - one goal

23 Maggio 2022

Updated 07/2023 For Cat® Lift Trucks, operating a network of factories across the world is not just about bringing production close to each regional market. The greatest benefit of its global structure is the way these materials handling facilities work together to create the best possible solutions...

The delicate logistics of cut flower supply

5 Maggio 2022

Whether we buy them to show our feelings for someone special, or simply to brighten our surroundings, flowers bring joy into our world. But do we appreciate the huge challenges posed by flower logistics? When a flower is picked it starts to deteriorate. In that respect, flowers are perishable goods...

Switch on to better health and safety

18 Marzo 2022

How do you protect your greatest materials handling assets? By that we mean your people, not your machines. Find out what an electric forklift truck can do to keep your workforce healthy and safe. Forklift trucks are becoming smarter and more sophisticated – but they will never be as smart and...