Dual drive, triple advantage

12 January 2016

Warehouse square meters are expensive. Especially in logistics and materials handling, where margins are often small, it is important to utilize space optimally. A compact and manoeuvrable forklift is indispensable. But the warehouse manager faces often a dilemma; do we choose manoeuvrability or do...

Just checking

21 October 2014

In some countries it is required by law, but in daily practice we tend to skip it: the daily check of our forklift and warehouse trucks. It makes really good business sense to verify at least periodically if our materials handling equipment is in good shape. The check has several purposes. On one...

Ergonomy kills two birds with one stone

26 September 2014

When we buy a car – new or pre-owned – we do not just consider the costs, energy consumption or design. We also seek comfort. We want to drive comfortably and wish to arrive at our destination rested. Why would this be different when we purchase a reach truck for example? Naturally, also in this...

A closer look at orderpicking strategies

3 September 2014

To a layman a picking process can seem chaotic. The orderpickers drive like busy bees in an apparently chaotic way through the warehouse. However, like with bees, behind the tasks of each orderpicker lies a mature strategy. Only the shortest possible route can reduce picking costs to a minimum. S...

More possibilities with mobile scanning

15 August 2014

Easy does it. This is also valid in materials handling. Besides that, large efficiency improvements are easily achieved in logistic processes. Let’s have a look at the barcode scanner, for example. It was not long ago when orderpickers walked or drove around the warehouse with a paper picklist in...